After Hurricane Katrina hit, a bunch of us in one of my Yahoo groups decided that we wanted to do something creative to make some money to donate to the victims. We came up with the idea of making a deck of cards and any sales from them would go to the victims. These five cards were my contributions. We named the deck 'Wings of Hope' and we sent the original deck to 'Oprah' to see if she would be interested in helping us with our mission. We did hear back, but not with the news we wanted to hear. Unfortunately, nothing has been done with these cards since and I would love to do something about it. Does anyone know where we can get these original cards made into decks of playing cards? I know a lot of people who would love to see this happen! Any info would be very helpful and appreciated!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Here are the main two reasons I don't get much art time :) I am the luckiest mom in the world! Hope you all have a great weekend!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Just got back from a wonderful dinner at Ruth's Chris ( in Anaheim. Hubby and I celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary and 13 years together :) I'm so was SOOOOOOOO good! Bye for now...
I haven't done a thing art-wise since we've been back from vacation. We're not too motivated to do anything because it is just so darn HOT!!! We have nothing planned for the weekend at all really (that's a nice change!), so I can probably sneak in some art time. Here are a few 4 x 4's I did quite a while back and I still really like them. Do you ever look back at some of your old artwork and wonder what the heck you were doing? I sure do! Hope you all have a great weekend and aren't too hot wherever you are :)
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
I am finally caught up reading my favorite blogs. We were gone for 10 days and unfortunately I was only able to use a computer 2 times (and very briefly each time!) the entire trip. I am so tired and should be in bed, but I thought I'd leave you with one picture of my babies playing until I can put some more up from our trip to this awesome place: I am now going to get ready for bed! Goodnight :)
We just got back from a 10 day trip to visit hubby's family in Wisconsin. The best part of our trip was going here: I am totally jetlagged and exhausted still (just got in last night and had to work today, but have off tomorrow:). I will try to post some pics from our trip in the next few days...maybe even tomorrow.
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
I'm not going to have time to make anything for a little while so I wanted to share some of my past art dolls with you. Some of you have seen these in the past, some have not. Their height averages about 7-8 inches. They are all hand sewn. Hubby got me a nice sewing machine a few years back, but just trying to keep it threaded was such a chore and I got frustrated, so anything you see sewn by me is by hand. Now I just don't have room to put it to try again. If I ever get the time to clean up my art area, I can probably move it out there and try again. Someday... :)