Sunday, January 11, 2009

I don't think I've ever complained on my blog before, but I just can't stand this problem anymore and I want to know what you do if this is happening to you also. Are you around someone a lot who is ALWAYS texting, using their iPhone, Blackberry, etc.? I am and it is driving me CRAZY!!! Am I the only one with this dilemma? I would LOVE to hear from others with this same problem! Thanks and sorry to complain :)


Maija said...

You are not alone!

Barbara said...

and as i'm checking someone out people get calls and they are carrying on conversations with someone and not paying attention...and i'm trying to get the transaction completed and there is a line forming and despite doing frantic waving and jumping jacks...(and THAT'S not a pretty site..) they rattle on and on about something usually not appropriate for conversation outloud...SOMETHING EVEN WORSE...are the bluetooth things...that allow people to just chat at random and you THINK they are speaking to you and then they point to their ear...(although now typing that it sounds a bit comical...) HUGZ...hear you may be around in APRIL!!!??

Anonymous said...

You are definitely not alone. I can'y stand people who sit around texting all of the time - particularly when they are supposedly in a conversation with me. Ugh. It's RUDE.

Jax said...

I have actually threatened my husband that I am going to shove his stupid phone up his nose! It drives me insane too!

Rebecca said...

You're not alone. I've gotten to the point where I'll actually join in someone's cell phone conversation to let them know EVERYONE can hear them and then I tell them I thought I was invited to participate since they were talking so loud when they give me the "WTF" look. Another annoying thing is 1) all the repeated announcements at movies and other events to silence your cell phones. As if that isn't annoying enough 2) someone/s always fail to do so. Aaarrrggggghhhhhh!